Tuesday, September 7, 2010


This 2 pictures show the environment of the avatar, the characters designed also plants. I love the Pandora environment very much.

This is the most fantastic movie that I watched before. The graphics, character design, environment also very nice. It’s even better than those high graphic games. I personally love this movie very much. I even watched the movie at cinema for 3 times. All the technology that James Cameron used is so awesome. I know he have this idea since ten years ago but because of the technology, he can’t make it. Now, the technology is enough for him to do whatever he wants. The reason why I watched Avatar for so many times is because I love the world of Pandora and the story very much. I hope there is a Pandora world in our real life. That place full with many weird or I should said funny flora and fauna. Pandora is like a paradise. The environment of Pandora is so awesome, with those colorful plants. The effect that James Cameron and his group use on the plants is very special. When the people walk on it, light will come out or the plants will glow at night. It’s so sad when I know that Pandora not suitable for human being to live because of the air. It is so nice if people can live inside the Pandora. Between, 3d vision Avatar and 2d vision Avatar is very different, not 2D Avatar is not nice. But 3D vision Avatar is more advance. With the glasses, we can see the 3D view of the environment of the Avatar. I got shocked when I see the 3D effect of the Avatar. It totally can see the depth between object. This can let us feel different experience. 3D avatar also let me feel that I am inside the world of Avatar. I don’t know I should use what word to describe Avatar. I think I will use awesome to describe all of the technology and graphic of the Avatar.

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