Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Second Life-Botanical Landscaping,Garden and Environment Design Center, Straylight

Basically, this island is full with nature. I can see trees and flowers everywhere. I also foundmany small and big waterfall there. Luckly, i can fly by clicking F button in second life. This made me more easy to explore this island because this island is full with mountain , waterfall, big trees , and volcano. This island also not much things for me to interact with. But its worth for me to explore because of its nature environment.

Those pictures showing the waterfalls and volcano that i found in this island. All of them also surrounding with forest. I can only see this beautiful scene when i am flying. I can see whole environment when i am flying. Personally, i din't see volcano before. I felt so excited when i accidently saw a volcano in front of me. I even walk on the volcano, but luckly it won't ddamage me ,because its in virtual world. This is the advantages of virtual world.

I like this scene in this island. The water flow down over the stone and the effect of the water when its flowing over the stone is so nice. This scene is really marvelous. I hope i can play with it.the reflection on the water enhance the beautifulness of this scene.

I can buy different type of trees from the box by just clicking it.

There is many different types of trees in this island. Some of the trees is so colorful and there are some information board in front of the tree for us to understand more. Its help me a lots because i don't know plants well.

I was the navigation points that i found in this island. It lead me to where i wan to be. So, i won't lost in this island so easily. The STRAIGHT rainbow that i found in this island is so beautiful. I never see a straight rainbow. This rainbow like a watermark for this island. Beside the rainbow, there is many well modelling box with textures. Again, i have to praise the modelling and textures. All the modelling and texturing in second life is almost perfect for me. Many things in well designed too. Even you don't play computer games, u should try to explore second life too. Because i found out, we can do many things that we impossible to do it in real life.

Second Life-the pot healer adventure-numbakulla island project

I don't know this place at all even in real life, thats why i choose this place to explore. The environment of Numbakulla full with plants( flowers and trees). This island also very adventure and mystery , i think because of the lighting. I said this because the island is full of plants, it gave me a feel that i having adventure in a forest. Besides , the lighting gave the a dark and mystery feel.

This few pictures show the environment of the Numbakulla island. At first , i saw many big plants all over the island, i thought it was a garden style island. I was wrong after i explore the whole island. I found houses on the trees and some old style building. Nothing much interaction i can do in this island but the environment is not bad for us to explore. Besides big plants and trees, this island also have many mountains. I have to climb here and there to reach another part of this island.

The first picture showing the tall tower in the Numbakulla island. I have to climb a vry long bridge to reach the tower. But actually, its nothing inside, but i like the feel to climb around. The second picture show the bridge that made by flowers. Its a well designed bridge. We also know , we will never see this kind of bridge in our real life. Before i tried on it, i thought i will drop into the water if i step on it. But accidently i drop down from somewhere and stand on it, only i know its a BRIDGE. The flower bridge in a garden can really enhance the environment of the garden.

These are the building that i found in the Numbakulla island . The second building is like a very old castle. It gave me a mystery and scary feel, but still i walk in and explore, nothing much is inside. But seriously, the textures of those building is really advance. I personally a design student, always apply textures to my model. But still not as good as the textures in second life. I know 1 day i will be able to do it. The first picture show the building and the small city of Numballa island. Its like a very old village or abandon island. Those building is quite broken and made from stone and woods.

This picture showing my bad experience that i met when i am exploring the island. I got felt down from a mountain and stuck here. I tried so many times to get out of here, but failed. I have to go teleport to other place and teleport back again only i unstuck.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Second Life- Hawaii Surfing Island

This is Hawaii Surfing Island. A very amazing island for me. I found many funs here. Hawaii Surfing Island have more interaction then others places that i visited before. This is the main reason why i like Hawaii Surfing Island, because i can do many crazy things.

This 2 pictures show the environment of the Hawaii Surfing Island. This place full with beaches and plants. I found that, the lighting there also enhance the immersion. The lighting is so nice, it gave me a warm feel. The first picture showing the navigation points to users. Users can either choose go here or there. For the plants there, its so realistic even i know it made from a few of plane paper with textures.

This 2 pictures showing the building and ship that i found in the Hawaii Surfing Island. I screen shot down because modelling of this 2 structure is very nice. Between, the textures of that 2 structures also suit it very well. The ship gave me a bit of cartoonist feel. For the second picture, the small hut is a village style hut, but it match perfectly with beaches and sea.

These are the activities that i found interesting and crazy in the island, include water activities. Those water activities really made me excited because i know i will never have chance to try out those activities. For example,riding a dolphin. I even tried out canoeing , flying with a very big kite and sitting on a big butterfly. Those things only can be found in virtual world. How good if we can do it in real world. I sat on the butterfly and control it by using keyboard to explore the whole island. The top view of this island is really fantastic.

Besides then playing around, i found some place for my character to rest too.I let my character rest inside a small green camp. It is so funny and interesting. Again, i saw the lighting there is so warm and comfortable. For the first picture, i hanging on the tree ans swigging. I tried many times in real life but failed , but in this virtual world, i can do it easily.

The Hawaii Surfing Island in second life can be a very good vocation place for all of us. I can relax my mind and playing around here because there is so many activities that i can play around . The environment really enhance lots of immersion. Personally, i think there will be no people will go this place if the environment if not good even there is so many interaction there. (activities include water activities)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Second Life-International Spaceflight Museum-Spaceport Alpha

This is the International Spaceflight Museum. This place is very nice! I got shocked when i saw it. At first i thought it was like a normal museum that explain about space and galaxy. This museum is totally different with the real life museum. The surface of the earth just bottom of my leg. The environment created by many dots.I think it's star or small stone and it made me feel like staying in the galaxy. The feel is totally different. If there is gravity inside the space, then it will be perfect. This place full with many high technology machines. The rocket (space ship ) just beside me. It will be more good if i can go in to the space ship.On my left hand side, there is a board that showing the information of solar system and space. There was a small circle just right in front of me. When i click the circle by using mouse, i will be teleported to another space. Next i will show the scene after i tele.

This is the scene after i teleported. The circle at the middle space is the planet that i currently in. Beside that brown color planet will tele me back to the space just now if i click it. Not much inside this planet, just some satellite that look very high technology. Actually, i don't feel any different compare to the space just now. Because the space is almost same i think. But, i have to say that, the environment is nice! I can feel that i walking on the galaxy.

I accidently took this photo when i drop down from the space. From here i can clearly see the satellite and the surface of the earth. Actually, the earth is just a texture, but when i see it inside, i feel like a real earth on my foot. When i drop down, the character will struggling . It make me feel more realistic.

This 2 screenshots show the environment of the museum. Many rocket surrounding the building. All the rocket look high technology. I really hope that i can go in and explore. The environment of the museum is awesome! I saw mountain, sea and many trees there. I explore for few hours only i can finish this museum. This museum is too big . I can see the details of the museum for example , chair, table textures and etc. When i exploring this place, i asking myself, is it the real International Spaceflight Museum as big as second life museum?

This building is well designed for me. I like this building very much. Even this shop not designed with many high technology machines, but i still feel like a high technology building. Second, the design of the building is very special. I went in and trying to buy something from the gift shop, but unfortunately i don't have second life money. There is many well designed building around, but i prefer this gift shop.

This international Spaceflight Museum in second life is very high technology. Beside, there also have many well designed building and space ship. There is country name on the rocket that around museum. Different country have different design/ layout. But, its the same for me, because all of the rocket also very nice and special for me.

Second Life - Kowloon

This is the first scene that i saw when i first teleport to Kowloon. The night scene is
very beautiful.Besides, i can see many stars on the sky, but the stars is not blinking.It will be perfect if the starts blinking all over the sky. The water look not so realistic, but the reflection on the water made it look more realistic. For real, i din't go to Kowloon before.I felt so excited when i reach Kowloon. I don't know is it the Kowloon is on a island, but what i saw and what i felt is Kowloon is on a island.

This is the street of Kowloon. The atmosphere that i felt there is old Chinese
cultural building. Whole street also full of neon which make the city more colorful and beautiful at night. I think the main reason that i feel the city like old Chinese style cultural is because of the neon light. Kowloon is like a place for budget users or i can say all the things there is quite cheap.Even the hotels, shopping malls, shops also budget users favorite. Kowloon in second life is very details. I can see many streets, small streets, shops name and etc.I hope i can visit to Kowloon at least once in my life.

This is the hotel's room that i found in Kowloon. Its like what i mention at above, old Chinese style room. Those fan , bed and the cupboard look old but usable. From the outlook, i can know that this hotel is for budget users.

This is the top view of the Kowloon's city. I love this scene very much. This scene is awesome and marvelous. The time i jump down, i got shocked because of the structure and the numbers of the building. Kowloon is full of tall building and streets(including small streets).

This is the Chinese temple that i found in Second life's Kowloon. It located beside the sea. At first i though i can go into the temple and explore. But , so disappointed that i cant go in. There is no door for me to go in. There is a shed in front of the temple. This is how temple and shed works? Because i found that almost all chinese temple also have a similar shed.

Kowloon is second life is totally owning. I immerse in it when i exploring the places. Its funny that when i open the door, i will be teleport to another place or another scene. For me , this is a very good experience.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Orchid Park

Orchid park is quite boring for me. I personally not really like plants. But since i already reach there, so i visited orchid park too. When i reach Orchid park, there is only me , my friends and workers. Even i not really like plants, but i got shocked when i saw the orchid park . Its so big and beautiful.

During my journey in orchid park, i use my camera and take down some of the beautiful views/scene. The structure of the Orchid park is very interesting. Other than orchid, we can found many other plants too.

I quite disappointing too, because i though that Orchid park will be full with colorful Orchid.But i only found many green color plants inside.The is no interaction too. This is the main reason why i don's like plants. Actually, there is nothing for me to experience in the Orchid Park. What i feel is that i am inside a Green Park.

KL Bird Park

This is the first time i came to KL bird park. I so excited when i sitting in the bus and waiting to reach the destination. Actually before i go in, i though it was a small bird park. I's so sorry that i said so, the bird park is big . I walked until i cant feel my leg anymore.

Once i walk into the bird park, then
i saw this scene. Many birds stand on the tree branches and eating the foods( fruits ) that worker put on the branches. Many people surround the birds and take photos, but the birds like used to it, stand there and continue eating their foods.

This is the dustbin that i found in the bird park . Its well designed and cute. The first time i look at it , i though it was a bird, but i am wrong. I saw that some of the sign also well designed too.

This owl is very cute. This is the first time that i see owl. In my mind, owl is a very fierce birds with very sharp claws, but i found this owl is so cute. The other side, i pity the owl too, because the owl is alone inside the cage. I hope this owl can get freedom 1 day.

This is a very interesting scene. All the birds follow the worker all the way. I think is because workers feed them everyday and its almost the time to have their meal. I can see many people taking photos the
re too. May be they feel this is very interesting too.

Parrot feeding time. Some of the foreign paid for the food and feed the parrots. This is a very interesting section actually. When the foreigner put the food near the parrot, those parrots will automatically fly to the food and starting to eat.
Is the parrot well trained ? How come they don't scare human at all.

KL Bird Park is a very special place. We can feed, touch and play with the birds. The bird park that i went last time, is all inside the cage. I only can take photos and look at those birds. I found that most of the visitors are students and family(parents and children). We can get great experience inside.


For me , Aquaria is a very place that full of memories , because i came here once before with my friends and we had a very happy journey. During the visit to Aquaria, i felt that i totally immerse in it. Personally , i like fishes and underwater environment.

I found this quite interesting. I found this just right in front of the entrance. There is fishes inside the water and we can touch it. When i touched the fishes, i felt that it skin is so wet and sticky. But actually, i used few minutes to touch them because it swim too fast.

This is the water tunnel inside the Aquaria. Along the journey inside the water tunnel, i can see many types of fishes and shark. I felt so excited when i saw shark swim
ming around right in front of me . May be because i din't see shark before. The environment of the water tunnel is very nice and also the environment of the big aquarium. Not only i can found many types of
fishes, i also found many types of under water plants. Its so colorful and unique.(i mean some of them ).

This is the shark that i meantion just now. The shark swimming around with its fierce eye and sharp tooth. It is so cool. In my mind, shark is a very fierce creature. But in the Aquaria, i don't see it eating others fish that is around.

At the ending of the Aquaria, i found this creature. I don't know is'it a kind of fish. But i found this very interesting. This creatures like swimming in a reverse way. I like this creatures so much. It have unique shape and special look .

At last, I finish the journey to Aquaria. I am very happy that i get many different kind of experience during the journey even though i paid for it. Its worth for me to pay for it because i found out so many funny things inside that i never see before. I promise myself that i will come here again.