Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Second Life-the pot healer adventure-numbakulla island project

I don't know this place at all even in real life, thats why i choose this place to explore. The environment of Numbakulla full with plants( flowers and trees). This island also very adventure and mystery , i think because of the lighting. I said this because the island is full of plants, it gave me a feel that i having adventure in a forest. Besides , the lighting gave the a dark and mystery feel.

This few pictures show the environment of the Numbakulla island. At first , i saw many big plants all over the island, i thought it was a garden style island. I was wrong after i explore the whole island. I found houses on the trees and some old style building. Nothing much interaction i can do in this island but the environment is not bad for us to explore. Besides big plants and trees, this island also have many mountains. I have to climb here and there to reach another part of this island.

The first picture showing the tall tower in the Numbakulla island. I have to climb a vry long bridge to reach the tower. But actually, its nothing inside, but i like the feel to climb around. The second picture show the bridge that made by flowers. Its a well designed bridge. We also know , we will never see this kind of bridge in our real life. Before i tried on it, i thought i will drop into the water if i step on it. But accidently i drop down from somewhere and stand on it, only i know its a BRIDGE. The flower bridge in a garden can really enhance the environment of the garden.

These are the building that i found in the Numbakulla island . The second building is like a very old castle. It gave me a mystery and scary feel, but still i walk in and explore, nothing much is inside. But seriously, the textures of those building is really advance. I personally a design student, always apply textures to my model. But still not as good as the textures in second life. I know 1 day i will be able to do it. The first picture show the building and the small city of Numballa island. Its like a very old village or abandon island. Those building is quite broken and made from stone and woods.

This picture showing my bad experience that i met when i am exploring the island. I got felt down from a mountain and stuck here. I tried so many times to get out of here, but failed. I have to go teleport to other place and teleport back again only i unstuck.

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